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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Simple DIY felted wool bracelet for her or for him

Only 5 flat felted wool beads and a piece of cord! That's what you need for this simple felted wool bracelet!

You can find these and more at  . Custom colors and amounts available!  

 Additional tools: scissors, big needle with big hole.

Pierce beads with needle. There must be no excess cord pierced trough the needle hole (see picture). Tie knots in between and in the ends of cord. Wider hole can be made with knitting needle, if it is difficult to pierce with needle.

 Bracelet is ready!!!

Monday, September 21, 2015

International Car - Free Day

  22nd of September is International Car - Free Day.  
   I have picked some Etsy items related to this day.

         Go for a walk and enjoy!

PlasticCameraDesign  - Go for a Walk Print
Boygirlparty  - Bicycle T-shirt
JandiCoGraphix  - Running Characters Vinyl Decal Wall Art
Georgiedesigns   - Marathon Bracelet

NorthWorks  - Fox Painting
Monogramgalley  - Vintage Compass Cufflinks 
Curlybracketdesign  - City Travel Map Adventure Guide: Portland, Oregon
VinylWallAdornments  - Cowboys Riding Horses

PatentPrints  - Soccer Cleats Poster
DorohovechDesigns  - Hiker decal - car  
Rebeccaplotnick  - Paris Photography - The Paris Metro at the Louvre
ClockoLand  - Bicycling vinyl record wall clock

BrixtonPaperShop  - Dr. Seuss Inspirational Typography Print 
RainbowRules  - Antique World Map 1913 - Leggings
Discoveringyou - Perfect Portrait for Hikers, Outdoor lover!
MatriarchHandmade  - "Let's Go Camping" Wall Banner

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Candle glass decorated with crochet hoops

I always wondered what to do with empty candle glasses. I used to put plain candle tablets, but it looked kind of boring. Then I saw my sister making colourful yarn crochet hoops. I tried to figure out what to do with them.  I was not keen on making hanging decorations or garlands. So here is my interpretation what you can make easily at home.

I craft, U craft!


      Materials and tools: 
  •  glass
  • glue gun 

In the first place, measure your glass to find out how many crochet hoops you will need. Try to line crochet hoops on a table in order to see colour combination. Take one crochet hoop at a time and put glue on it.

Put crochet hoop on the bottom of the glass as quick as possible.

Form the first row.

 The second line should be aligned in between of first row crochet hoops as shown in picture below.

Continue till you reach the top of the glass.

That's it! You have a nice candle holder! 

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